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Why Recycle ?
Ferrous metals are mainly composed of iron and have magnetic properties. Steel, an iron alloy containing carbon, is by far the most-recycled material in the world. Total steel production in 2008 reached 1.3 billion tonnes, of which over 500 million tonnes were made from scrap metal. The most commonly recycled items are scrap from industrial processes, end-of-life products such as containers, vehicles, appliances, industrial machinery, and construction materials.
Almost 40% of the world’s steel production is made from scrap.
Recycling one tonne of steel saves 1,100 kilogrammes of iron ore, 630 kilogrammes of coal, and 55 kilogrammes of limestone.
CO2emissions are reduced by 58% through the use of ferrous scrap.
Recycling one tonne of steel saves 642 kWh of energy, 1.8 barrels (287 litres) of oil, 10.9 million Btu’s of energy and 2.3 cubic metres of the landfill space.
Recycling steel uses 75% less energy compared to creating steel from raw materials – enough to power 18 million homes.
Steel recycling uses 74% less energy, 90% less virgin materials and 40% less water; it also produces 76% fewer water pollutants, 86% fewer air pollutants and 97% less mining waste.
Steel automobile frames contain at least 25% recycled steel and a typical electrical appliance will usually be made of 75% recycled steel. Steel cans consist of at least 25% recycled steel.
Recycling Facts
The most commonly used non-ferrous metals are aluminium, copper, lead, zinc, nickel, titanium, cobalt, chromium and precious metals. Millions of tonnes of nonferrous scrap are recovered annually and used by smelters, refiners, ingot makers, foundries, and other manufacturers. Secondary materials are essential to the industry’s survival because even new metals often require the combined use of recycled materials.
Recycling Facts
Almost 40% of the world’s demand for copper is met using recycled material.
At present, approximately 30% of global zinc production comes from secondary zinc.
Over 80% of the zinc available for recycling is eventually recycled.
Of an estimated total of 700 million tonnes of aluminium produced since commercial manufacturing began in the 1880s, about 75% of this is still being used as secondary raw material today.
One tonne of recycled aluminium saves up to 8 tonnes of bauxite, 14,000 kWh of energy, 40 barrels (6300 litres) of oil, 238 million Btu’s of energy and 7.6 cubic metres of landfill.
The energy saved by recycling one tonne of aluminium is more than enough to power a US household for a whole year (The average US household uses about 10,000 kWh year).
Recycling aluminium uses 95% less energy than producing aluminium using raw materials.
Recycling one aluminium can saves enough energy to power a 100-watt bulb for almost four hours.
A used aluminium can is recycled and back on the grocery shelf in as little as 60 days.
For every single can manufactured using virgin ore, the same amount of energy used will produce 20 recycled cans.
The aluminium drink can is the world’s most recycled container – more than 63% of all cans are recycled worldwide.
Copper’s recycling value is so high that premium-grade scrap holds at least 95% of the value of the primary metal from newly mined ore.
Recycling copper saves up to 85% of the energy used in primary production.
In order to extract copper from copper ore, the energy required is approximately 95 million Btu/tonne. Recycling copper uses much less energy, about 10 million Btu/tonne.
By using copper scrap, we reduce CO2 emissions by 65%
The average car contains up to 10 kg of zinc in its galvanized body panels. When they are discarded, these panels can be readily made into new parts of identical quality.
Total recovery of zinc within the non-ferrous metals industry amounts to 2.9 million tonnes, of which 1.5 million are new scrap or process residues and 1.4 million are old scrap.
Secondary zinc production uses 76% less energy than primary.
Nearly 70% of zinc from end- of-life products is recycled. Old zinc scrap consists primarily of die cast parts, brass objects, end-of-life vehicles, household appliances, old air conditioning ducts, obsolete highway barriers, and street lighting.
50% of the lead produced and used each year throughout the world has been used before in other products.
Today, about 80% of lead is used in acid batteries, all of which is recoverable and recyclable. Some countries boast a 100% recycling rate and most are capable of the same result.
Using secondary lead instead of ore reduces CO2 emissions by 99%
Globat tin production amounts to 350,000 tonnes of which 50,000 tonnes is produced from scrap and other secondary sources.
Primary production of tin requires 99% more energy than secondary production
Recycling Facts
Recycling one tonne of paper saves up to 31 trees, 4,000 kWh of energy, 1.7 barrels (270 litres) of oil, 10.2 million Btu’s of energy, 26,000 litres of water and 3.5 cubic metres of landfill space.
Burning that same tonne of paper would generate about 750 kilograms of carbon dioxide.
Recycling paper saves 65% of the energy needed to make new paper and also reduces water pollution by 35% and air pollution by 74%.
Recycling one tonne of corrugated containers saves 390 kWh of energy, 1.1 barrels (176 litres) of oil, 6.6 million Btu’s of energy, and 5 cubic metres of landfill.
Recycling cardboard requires only 75% of the energy required to make new cardboard.
Recycling Facts
One tonne of recycled plastic saves 5,774 kWh of energy, 16.3 barrels (2,604 litres) of oil, 98 million Btu’s of energy, and 22 cubic metres of landfill.
There is 80 to 90% reduction in energy consumption by producing recycled plastic compared to producing plastic from virgin materials (oil and gas).
Recycling a single plastic bottle can conserve enough energy to light a 60-watt bulb for up to six hours.
Recycling 5 PET plastic bottles produces enough fibre for one t-shirt.
Recycling 100 million cell phones saves enough energy to power more than 194,000 US households for one year.
Worldwide trade of recyclable plastics represents is valued at $5 billion per year and is estimated to represent a total of 12 million tonnes.
EUROPE recycled 21.3% of plastic waste during 2008 representing about 5.3 million tonnes.
A recent study shows that if all landfilled plastics waste are recycled or recovered into energy, then 7% of EU quota of CARBON GAS REDUCTION will be fulfilled